Telephone directory

Important Phone Numbers in Belgrade – Information for Tourists

If you’re planning a stay in Belgrade, it’s essential to have a few key phone numbers at hand to feel safer and more relaxed during your visit. City Break Apartments provides you with a list of the most important phone numbers in Belgrade that you might need.

Emergency Services

1.   Police: 192
2.   Fire Department: 193
3.   Ambulance: 194

These numbers are free and available 24/7 for all emergency situations.

Health Institutions

1.   Belgrade Emergency Service: +381 11 361 8444
2.   Health Center Savski Venac: +381 11 361 4369
3.   City Institute for Emergency Medical Care: +381 11 364 0000


1.   U.S. Embassy: +381 11 706 4000
2.   British Embassy: +381 11 306 0900
3.   German Embassy: +381 11 300 3670

Useful Numbers

1.   Telephone Information: 988
2.   Taxi Services:
•   Belgrade Taxi: +381 11 970
•   Pink Taxi: +381 11 9803
•   Lux Taxi: +381 11 303 3123
3.   Public Transport Information: +381 11 715 8400

Our Contact Information

For any additional information and questions during your stay, City Break Apartments is here for you:

   •   Email: [email protected]
   •   Phone: +381 600 900 307 (Viber, WhatsApp)

Enjoy your stay in Belgrade with the safety and comfort provided by City Break Apartments.

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